Weekly IT meeting summary (15.06.2011)
2011-06-15 16:54:33 UTC

attempting to make this a bit more open this is the sanitized summary of what we discussed in our weekly meeting.

*) mailing lists migration should be back on the schedule

*) Mike proposes to have a general public IRC meeting for Meego IT team

*) monitoring seems to be setup

*) Serious issues with 3 of the 5 Community OBS workers, kernel keeps crashing, under investigation by Niels
- driver for the RAID array keeps crashing and goes in RO mode.
- Workers need hard reset / reboot more than once a day... :(

*) Community Edition: skip... too long, needs to be discussed more in depth

*) Apps site: going well and proceeding. Beta site coming soon.
- Niels to organize a kick-off meeting soon

*) How to serve Apps packages.
CDN and LF mirror network are being investigated
One choice oculd be to use the exisitng Nokia CDN account to setup a beta test with Apps.
Maemo extras requires 200GB and it's small.
Mirroring to the LF kernel.org might be problematic if we go up to hundreds of gigs
CDN solutions are more expensive but they have no storage problems
Nokia CDN account might be not the best thing as it poses a dependency on a specific company. We would need an LF CDN account to make it more neutral
_Action_point_ (Niels): to gather projections/requirements for a mirroring / CDN solution to mirror the apps
- one starting point is the current usage
- another thing might be the stats from maemo extras
_Action_point_ (Mike) to ping LF for the Apps thing

*) Max reports that DNS propagation for new entries is broken
- Niels fixed it as we spoke

*) puppet machine started to be unstable ... to be investigated

*) For the rest Max reports quite good progress with monitoring the infra

*) Some changes coming to developer.meego.com site from Mike on Friday

*) several drupal sites are already on gitorious --> http://meego.gitorious.org/meego-web-infrastructure

Foster, Dawn M
2011-06-15 17:54:46 UTC
Post by s***@public.gmane.org
attempting to make this a bit more open this is the sanitized summary of what we discussed in our weekly meeting.
*) mailing lists migration should be back on the schedule
Is there a link to this schedule?
Post by s***@public.gmane.org
*) How to serve Apps packages.
CDN and LF mirror network are being investigated
One choice oculd be to use the exisitng Nokia CDN account to setup a beta test with Apps.
Maemo extras requires 200GB and it's small.
Mirroring to the LF kernel.org might be problematic if we go up to hundreds of gigs
CDN solutions are more expensive but they have no storage problems
Nokia CDN account might be not the best thing as it poses a dependency on a specific company. We would need an LF CDN account to make it more neutral
Agree with not using the Nokia CDN. In previous discussions, we asked specifically not to use the Nokia CDN, since we really need a neutral LF controlled CDN solution. I would also like to see a comparison of pros / cons / risks associated with a few options, including our existing mirror structure.

2011-06-15 20:12:49 UTC
No schedule yet, when we have some we'll post it.

But it's on the list of things to do in the next month or two.
Post by s***@public.gmane.org
attempting to make this a bit more open this is the sanitized summary of what we discussed in our weekly meeting.
*) mailing lists migration should be back on the schedule
Is there a link to this schedule?
Post by s***@public.gmane.org
*) How to serve Apps packages.
CDN and LF mirror network are being investigated
One choice oculd be to use the exisitng Nokia CDN account to setup a beta test with Apps.
Maemo extras requires 200GB and it's small.
Mirroring to the LF kernel.org might be problematic if we go up to hundreds of gigs
CDN solutions are more expensive but they have no storage problems
Nokia CDN account might be not the best thing as it poses a dependency on a specific company. We would need an LF CDN account to make it more neutral
Agree with not using the Nokia CDN. In previous discussions, we asked specifically not to use the Nokia CDN, since we really need a neutral LF controlled CDN solution. I would also like to see a comparison of pros / cons / risks associated with a few options, including our existing mirror structure.

