MeeGo.com Outage and general maintenance - 10/20/2012 16:00 UTC for 8 hours.
2012-10-17 23:13:26 UTC
MeeGo General Backend Maintenance Announcement for 10/20/2012 at 16:00 UTC

Some general maintenance activities will be taking place on the
MeeGo.com and MeeGo related sites on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 16:00
UTC. (Saturday October, 20, 2012 09:00 PDT) for a duration of 8 hours.

During this time multiple Patching, Firmware updates, Virtual Machine
Migrations will be in progress. While the window is 8 hours long most
services will be interrupted once or twice.

Adam Gretzinger
Intel Open Source Technology Center
David Greaves
2012-10-20 22:49:19 UTC
Thanks for this Adam

I have noticed a problem with intermittent issues on https connections to
api/build.pub.meego.com starting (I think) sometime on friday afternoon (GMT).

Is it possible any firewall or networking kit was changed around this time?

Post by A***@public.gmane.org
MeeGo General Backend Maintenance Announcement for 10/20/2012 at 16:00 UTC
Some general maintenance activities will be taking place on the MeeGo.com and
MeeGo related sites on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 16:00 UTC. (Saturday
October, 20, 2012 09:00 PDT) for a duration of 8 hours.
During this time multiple Patching, Firmware updates, Virtual Machine Migrations
will be in progress. While the window is 8 hours long most services will be
interrupted once or twice.
Adam Gretzinger
Intel Open Source Technology Center
MeeGo-it mailing list
"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."
Nnaemeka David
2012-10-25 05:34:24 UTC
Hello. Please, forgive me if I transgress. But i heard the meego
development has been discontinued so i decided to look elsewhere. is
this true?
Post by A***@public.gmane.org
MeeGo General Backend Maintenance Announcement for 10/20/2012 at 16:00 UTC
Some general maintenance activities will be taking place on the
MeeGo.com and MeeGo related sites on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 16:00
UTC. (Saturday October, 20, 2012 09:00 PDT) for a duration of 8 hours.
During this time multiple Patching, Firmware updates, Virtual Machine
Migrations will be in progress. While the window is 8 hours long most
services will be interrupted once or twice.
Adam Gretzinger
Intel Open Source Technology Center
MeeGo-dev mailing list
Writer, Translator and Web designer.
nnaemeka david +234 08024287480, +234 07042029927

http://emekadavid-solvingit.blogspot.com/ (mon blog)
http://www.facebook.com/people/Nnaemeka-David/100001963356636 (facebook
http://twitter.com/#!/emeka_david (twitter profile)
Timo Jyrinki
2012-10-25 12:21:49 UTC
Hello Nnaemeka. MeeGo is alive and continues currently under the Mer
project: http://www.merproject.org/ and is used by companies like
Jolla: https://twitter.com/JollaMobile

Also, the infrastructure at MeeGo.com is in good use for example in
the form of the public OBS: https://build.pub.meego.com/

Post by Nnaemeka David
Hello. Please, forgive me if I transgress. But i heard the meego
development has been discontinued so i decided to look elsewhere. is
this true?
Post by A***@public.gmane.org
MeeGo General Backend Maintenance Announcement for 10/20/2012 at 16:00 UTC
Some general maintenance activities will be taking place on the
MeeGo.com and MeeGo related sites on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 16:00
UTC. (Saturday October, 20, 2012 09:00 PDT) for a duration of 8 hours.
During this time multiple Patching, Firmware updates, Virtual Machine
Migrations will be in progress. While the window is 8 hours long most
services will be interrupted once or twice.
Adam Gretzinger
Intel Open Source Technology Center
MeeGo-dev mailing list
Writer, Translator and Web designer.
nnaemeka david +234 08024287480, +234 07042029927
http://emekadavid-solvingit.blogspot.com/ (mon blog)
http://www.facebook.com/people/Nnaemeka-David/100001963356636 (facebook
http://twitter.com/#!/emeka_david (twitter profile)
MeeGo-dev mailing list